Hints & Tips

Entering awards can be daunting but here are a few hints and tips on how to make the most of your entry.

  • Try to enter as many categories as you are eligible to apply for.
  • Be concise but detailed with your entry. Don’t waffle. The submission needs to be factual and easy to read. The judges have a lot of information to digest so it is important to make it as easy as possible.
  • Read the criteria. It sounds silly but too often the judges will say that the person writing the entry has failed to see what they were looking for.
  • The judges will be interested in your sales figures, KPIs and any other targets you work towards.
  • Only provide relevant attachments.
  • Remember to spell and grammar check your entry
  • Get a second opinion. Writing a submission can be intensive and the person writing it can become too close to the process. Have someone proofread the submission to get a second opinion, or leave it alone and go back to it after a couple of days. You will be surprised at how many changes you will make.
  • Tell the story: make it an inspiring read and one that is written from the heart. If you are passionate about what you do, this will come through and can be infectious. If you do this the judges are more likely to remember your entry above any of the others.
  • Entering the awards is a great way to look back at past successes. Even if you aren’t a finalist or winner, there is no doubt that you will find this process a useful tool.

Entering and winning awards is…

  • Really motivating for your staff
  • A great way to stand out from your peers
  • A good way of seeing how far you have come
  • A great way of getting your name out there